IDcreation built a modern, fast-loading and custom online shop for Cleanline, where they could easily showcase and sell all their cleaning products.
Customer Challenge | Cleanline
Cleanline offers a complete portfolio of professional grade cleaning products for the food, beverage, and wellness sector, where maintaining HACCP standards of hygiene is essential.
Cleanline was looking for a modern, fast-loading, and mobile-responsive web solution, where they could easily showcase and sell all their cleaning products to their target audience.
IDcreation built a custom online shop for them, offering the following features:
- Available products and stock are visible to all, while prices are only accessible to registered users
- Products are grouped into categories, sub-categories, and lists
- Products can be searched, filtered, sorted, and favorited
- Producten kunnen worden toegevoegd aan favorieten
- Related products are displayed on each product page, encouraging cross-selling
- A third-party chat function is available for any questions about products or ordering
The easy-to-use CMS web module allows Cleanline to efficiently:
- Manage, modify, and delete products and pages
- View and manage orders and customers
- Manage shipping costs by country, country group, postal code, or postal code region
- Manage download and FAQ modules
Web shop customers, in turn, can:
- Add products to the cart to request a quote (registered and unregistered users)
- Order products online, if registered
- Update their profiles, consult their order history, manage their carts and favorites, if registered
Solution Features
The login module of the web portal includes extended functionality:
- Registration is open to industry customers only, thanks to the VAT number requirement
- Web shop users can register on their own, or be added by Cleanline staff
- Preliminary approval of registered users is required before orders can be placed
- Admin users can add additional shoppers and set detailed rights for them, as follows:
- allow them to add other users, setting rights for them in a similar fashion
- limit the maximum amount they can spend
- decide whether they can see discounted prices
- decide whether they can add items to the cart only, or order them, as well
The data exchange module works with Cleanline’s SQL database through a secure VPN connection and is able to retrieve:
- product category, description, attributes, individual price, and price group (including customer-specific prices available on some items)
- products, which are currently in promotion
- detailed information of admin users
Customer Benefits
IDcreation made it easy and efficient for Cleanline staff to sell their products, manage customer profiles and orders through the robust, easy-to-use, custom webshop they built for them.